“Astra Salvensis” is a journal edited by Transylvanian Association for Romanian Literature and Culture of Romanian People – ASTRA, Năsăud Department, Salva Circle, in partnership with “Vasile Moga” Department of the same association, from Sebeş.
The aim of the journal is to provide original and valuable research from historical and socio – cultural area and to create a platform of dialogue and exchange of ideas among researchers coming from socio-humanistic areas.
The journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific preeminence in all areas of any discussions from socio-humanistic areas.
It has a scientific committee and a double-blind peer-review procedure. It has two regularly issues published each year. First of them is released at latest on 15th of June of each year, and the second one at latest on 15th of December.
It has also, each year, one or two supplements and, in special situations, the editorial board can decide to release a special issue.
The journal is indexed in: ERIH PLUS, Ebsco, CEEOL, DOAJ, IndexCopernicus, Ulricsweb and Repec.
Address: Salva Circle, Năsăud Department of “Transylvanian Association for Romanian Literature and Culture of Romanian People – ASTRA”, Salva town, Principal Street, no. 1, Bistriţa-Năsăud county, Romania, code 427255.
“Vasile Moga” Department of ASTRA, Crângului Street, no. 14, Sebeş city, Alba County, Romania.
E-mail: office@astrasalvensis.eu