Guide for Authors

Astra Salvensis is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal edited by “Transylvanian Association for Romanian Literature and Culture of Romanian People – ASTRA, Năsăud Department, Salva Circle.

Our journal does not have article processing charges (APCs) and submission charges!

It is an Open Access journal and the readers have the right to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link the full text of articles!

ISSN 2393-4727; ISSN-L 2344-1887; edited by Salva Circle of “Astra” (Nasaud Department).

Salva village, Principal street, No. 99A, Bistriţa-Năsăud County, Romania, 427255.



The journal allow the author(s) to hold the copyright without restrictions. The journal allow the author(s) to retain publishing rights without restrictions.


The reviewing procedure of Astra Salvensisis double-blind review. Each study is
reviewed by two specialists of the domain and, after the review it iscorrected, and, if after
corrections is accepted, it is published.

 Click here for download Reviewing procedure


We are honoured to invite you to submit articles, studies and book reviews on history and culture for the future numbers of Astra Salvensis. They are invited to contribute both researchers, professors, PhD. Candidates or studies from Romania and abroad with original studies.

  1. General requests
  • the materials will be submitted online on our site or on the adress:;
  • the submitted texts will respect the following order: title, text, keyword and abstract (about half of page) with a professional English level;
  • by submitting an article, an author assumes the copyright law;
  • the staff can intervene in the form of the text, in order to make them conform with the adopted editorial style;
  • recommended maximal dimensions of an article – 15-20 pages;
  • if the submitted article is part of a project with European or national founding, this aspect will be mentioned in a footnote from the first article;
  • there are not accepted articles that contain spelling errors or had not been adapted to the template of our journal;


  1. Technical requests:
  • page format (particularized dimension: width 17,5 cm, high 24,5 cm; up 2 cm, down2 cm, left 2,5 cm, right 2 cm, header 1,27 cm, footer 1,27 cm, justify style);
  • fonts: Garamond (12 p. for the text, 10 p. for footnotes, 11 p. for appendix and summary);
  • title uppercase and centred (12 p.), followed by author name (right alignment) in Bold and the affiliation (please spell your complete name!!!);
  • abstract will be at the beginning of the text and will be accompanied by 5-7 keywords (that must not repeat the title of the article)
  • subtites: centered, Italic, 12 p. and numbered if necessary;


  1. Spelling norms
  • titles of books, newspapers or journals will be spelled in Italics, without comma (ex: Universul, and not „Universul” or „Universul”);
  • for the title of studies and articles will be used commas (,,”);
  • only footnotes accepted (inserted from Insert, Reference, Footnote), prepared according to the template;


Example of quotations

  • ARCHIVE: Serviciul Judeţean Cluj al Arhivelor Naţionale, fond Prefectura Judeţului Alba, nr. 84/1938, f. 22r(v).
  • BOOK: Adrian Neculau (coord.), Viaţa cotidiană în comunism, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 2004, p. 65.
  • ARTICLE: Maria Someşan, Mircea Iosifescu, „Legile din 1948 pentru Reforma învăţământului”, în Anul 1948-Instituţionalizarea comunismului, Anale Sighet nr.6, Editura Fundaţia Academia Civică, 1998, p. 439.
  • Iosif Ujvari, Iuliu Buta, „Rezervele de apă din Regiunea Cluj”, în Studia Universitatis
  • Babeş Bolyai, series Geologie-geographie, 1967, fasc. 2, p. 231.
  • R.J.W. Evans, Joseph II and Nationality in the Habsburg Land, în H.M. Scott ed., Enlightened Absolutism. Reform and Reformers in Later Eighteenth-Century Europe, London, Macmillan, 1990, p. 209-219.


Examples of abreviated quotations

  • Name of Archive: SJCJAN, fond Prefectura Judeţului Alba, nr. 76/1880, f. 2r(v).
  • Adrian Neculau, Viaţa cotidiană în comunism, p. 56.
  • It would not be used op. cit, or art.cit., but the formula from above.